Verified Gross Mass means that the weight of each packed container must be proven. This Verfied Gross Weight must not only consider the masses of all packages and cargo items, but the container tare and all additional loading equipment (e.g. lashing material) too. Please refer to Chapter 2.1 of the Solas guideline. VGM has not the same meaning and cannot be mixed up with the weight declared in the Booking nor with the weight declared on the Bill of Lading.
Booked weight = VGM: NO
Bill of Lading weight = VGM: NO
Packed Material + Shipped Goods + Container Tare weight = VGM: YES
Verified Gross Mass (VGM) effective from July 1, 2016
In November 2014, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea convention (SOLAS) regarding mandatory container weight verification. The amendment applies to all member states who will, in turn, adopt it into their own national law. Each country will provide its own guidelines for the implementation.
How can the VGM be submitted to the Carrier?
For all parties involved, the simplest solution for the transmission of VGM data is via industry-standard VERMAS messages.
Below you'll find all possible channels listed:
1. VGM data via VERMAS EDI
One solution for an automated transmission of VGM information is the new EDIFACT message VERMAS. This standard message type released by the SMDG allows submitting the VGM data in a seperate EDI message and uniform manner so that you will only have to set up and define the message once (ideally no adjustments required for different carriers).
Another advantage of VERMAS messages is that they can be submitted separately from Bookings (possibly too early) or Shipping Instructions (possibly too late) via EDI. We are able to receive VERMAS messages via partner portals like INTTRA, GTnexus, DBH, CargoSmart and Dakosy.
Mandatory information to be submitted:
Booking number
Container number
Verified weight
Unit of measurement
Authorized person
2. VGM data via Carrier's e-Portal tool (online submission)
If an implementation of the VERMAS message is not possible or undesired by the shipper, we offer a simple and easy-to-use tool on our homepage, which supports the manual input of VGM information
3. VGM data via Brunoni (manual submission)
You can submit the VGM information to your contact at Brunoni. We will take care and ensure that the information will be submitted on time.
For any manual submission of VGM we will apply an intervention fee. Please get in touch with your local contact at Brunoni if you need further information.